Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pay It Forward: Handmade Edition 2011

In the beginning of this year, my friend Amy over at Mrs. Darsie’s Menegarie participated in the Facebook/blog meme, Pay It Forward: Handmade Edition.

Basically, she promised to send something handmade to the first 5 people who left a comment on her blog post. I was excited that I was able to be involved! This has been on my to-post list. Since I hadn’t been posting regularly, I had completely forgotten about it!

It wasn’t until I came home after knit-night on Tuesday evening that I saw a package waiting for me on my workstation. Puzzled, I looked at the return label and I remembered that Amy had mentioned that I should be on the “snail-mail” lookout.  To my surprise it was her pay-it forward package to me! And pay-it forward she did!

Below are two gorgeous hand-spun by Amy skeins. 

Van Gogh's Starry Night with Tardis by TerryLightfoot.

This soft blue fiber has been amazingly spun with silver crochet thread, giving it a glamorous look and feel. It is cleverly named, “T.A.R.D.I.S” after my favorite means of vehicular space transportation, from the BBC show, Doctor Who.

Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor, Episode 13 "The Big Bang"

The deep velvety red skein, “Bow Ties Are Cool”, is inspired by the 11th Doctor from the series, in which he wears a red bow-tie and is a fan of red Fez hats.

I absolutely love the two skeins. They are totally me! Thanks so much Amy! This has become the inspiration I needed to keep knitting away at my current projects so that I can start on my very on Pay It Forward! 

• Pay It Forward: Handmade Edition 2011 •

I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here.  They in turn must post this and send something they make to the first 5 people to comment on their blog.  The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 recipients sometime in 2011.

While I know some of you are not active bloggers, but are active followers, I am willing to break my little promise and offer you the chance at a handmade item by me as well. Maybe it will inspire you. So comment away my dear friends. :)

with peace, love, unity, and respect,
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I am so glad that you like the yarn! I was a bit nervous about the blue; plying with thread was an experiment. But I think it turned out quite well! Enjoy!

  2. I would love to receive a handmade item by you!! :)

  3. WOW! that "painting" is gorgeous! so impressive!

  4. I'd love a handmade pay-it-forward! And I'd be happy to send something your way as well - I opened comments for this on my blog, but only had a few takers, as most were afraid they wouldn't be able to properly pay it forward, if you can believe it :)
    knitsinclass on Ravelry - I believe we are fellow Sunshine Yarnies

  5. @Kristin Yay! so happy you can participate! ♥

  6. @Kate (KnitsInClass) Hi fellow Sunshine Yarnie! So glad you'd like to partake as well! woohoo!

  7. Yarn from Amy is a real treat! Enjoy it and I cannot wait to see what they both become!

  8. Beautiful blog. I'm working on your letter and pay it forward item. I'd really cherish something from you :) (already do use those dishcloths all the time!)

    To leave a post I had to make an account, maybe it will make me start my own blog.


thanks for leaving your comments ♥