About Me

Crochet. Sew. Knit. These are a few of my many crafting passions. It all began in 2007 when I was gifted a  Singer sewing machine from my darling boyfriend. Eager to learn how to start stitching, I would search the internet and hobby stores for projects, books, tutorials, and patterns.  It was from that point forward that I slowly accumulated patterns. Pages and pages of patterns.

These pages eventually turned into one small pile. Once I started knitting and then crocheting, that same pile rapidly multiplied. My crafting table was soon engulfed in three stacks of patterns, categorized by each craft. I eventually moved them into a small cardboard box.

Fast forward to this moment. I now have one medium sized cardboard box worth of patterns, along with patterns stored on my computer & a thumb drive, and two shelves full of pattern books. Sometimes I receive patterns from others within my crafting group but most of the time I still search for them.

I hope to craft through many of the patterns, or at least make a dent in the pile. Follow me here as I try to do so by de-coding, de-stashing and de-cluttering!

Follow me elsewhere too:
heartsy via ravelry.com
hartpower via twitter.com
& at Central Coast Crafters via facebook.com